people in a classroom-type setting with the tables in a half-rectangular set up watching a speaker present with slides projected behind them

The Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Dr Gillian Sparkes participated in the 2018 Alpine Valley Community Leadership Program at the Mokoan Hub overlooking the beautiful Winton Wetlands near Benalla on April 27.

The Commissioner said: "I have been fortunate to be invited by program convenor Karlie Langdon to speak at this forum for the last few years and have the opportunity to share details of our work as well as insights from my own leadership journey. Today we spoke about everything from the pressures on the environment and themes for the upcoming 2018 Victorian State of the Environment report my team is currently working on, to the current issues with waste and recycling and key elements for leading reform in government. This bunch of community leaders, all at various stages of their careers and lives, were interesting, enquiring and so warm and welcoming as ever. Many thanks to all involved."

Benalla countryside showing trees and cleared land behind them


Type: Event
Category: Commissioner, Community
Tags: Environment